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The Democrat's Years of Gaslighting

According to Webster’s Dictionary, gaslighting is a “psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one’s emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator.” Psychologist Melissa Spino further elaborates that, “Gaslighting can be a very effective tool for the abuser to control an individual. It is done slowly so the victim writes off the event as a one off or oddity and does not realize they are being controlled and manipulated.”

So, it comes as no surprise that this path to Communism is led by the media’s constant lies. Really, the media is the source of most of this country’s problems. At the end of 2021, after a year of visual destruction and inflation in this county caused by the Biden administration, the media tried to paint this lie that Biden had done not just a good job in his first year but a fantastic job!

In a chart released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and shared by the White House press, they make the claim that under President Biden’s first year, the economy has created more jobs per month than under any other president—ever. Going all the way back to Reagan, the chart shows ups and downs in the numbers from below 50 to around 250 until it shows a negative number for Trump. Where do they have Biden’s numbers? Literally off the charts to almost 600. In one year, he grew the job market by 600%?

You would think this would have looked too unrealistic to release, but they sure went for it. This does not consider two major things. Statistically, it is impossible for a president to have that much of an impact in one year so this would suggest that Trump’s policies got the economy moving in that direction. Two, the country was in lockdown in 2020, and the economy was forcibly shut down. Jobs were lost as they became non-existent, and some companies closed for good. When the country opened back up, it makes logical sense that the job market would spike by 600%. But they do not want us thinking logically, now do they?

The lie continues with statements like, “The Biden agenda is lowering costs and making the world a safer place.” So, ignore the inflation? “Americans, for the first time in years, feel that the country is moving in a positive direction.” Really? During a time when we could not be more divided? Simply put, the message we are being given is not to believe our lying eyes.

This kind of thinking reminds me of a scene in George Orwell’s 1984 where a government official is ranting to the crowd about who they are at war with and getting them amped up. Then literally mid-sentence, the banners of the enemies are dropped and replaced with a different country. Seamlessly, the man continues his rant, and mid-sentence switches the county they are at war with, and the crowd does not seem to notice at all. They have accepted this change as the new truth that always was.

Dr. Stephanie Sarkis once said, “This is a classic gaslighting technique—telling victims that others are crazy and lying, and that the gaslighter is the only source for ‘true’ information. It makes victims question their reality.” This sounds an awful lot like the Australian government, who said to only trust them and no other sources when it comes to the Coronavirus.


Truth is Blasphemy

The biggest problem with all of these lies is that people actually listen to them and eat them up. It would seem that anything the government, leaders, or media says is gospel to them. This is why people like Denis Prager call liberalism a religion of the Left. Not only do they wholeheartedly believe in their Leftism Gospel, but they become angered and defensive when you question it. It is blasphemous to question anything they say.

When I spoke to a woman about my Uncle’s Easter story of Trump spending hours out on the White House lawn when the media said he would not come outside, she responded, “Oh, I would not believe your uncle.” When I told her that there was photo evidence, she tried to pass it off, looking to find the hole in the story. She just refused to accept that Trump could have any goodness or kindness in him.

Similarly, I told her about a black client of mine who had never experienced racism in her life, having lived in three different southern states, and again the client said she did not believe her. I guess it does not make a difference if one person does not believe these stories, but when half the county is this stubborn, we have a problem. What is interesting about this individual is that her husband is conservative. They just do not talk politics in the house, it sounds like.

Another conversation that left me in awe was with a guy that was adamant that the COVID vaccine had no negative side effects. This conversation went back and forth for over 2 hours but could be summarized like this: He stated that the “medical professionals” all agree that there are no negative side effects, and the data supports this, so do as the government says and get the vaccine.

I said, I am sure the data does say that, but it does not change what I have seen and heard. One of my businesses is a carpet restoration company that I own, and it is a part of my daily work to enter clients’ homes and speak with many individuals a day. Maybe every other week, I would come across someone with a family member or themselves who claimed to have long-term health issues that appeared just after getting the second shot of the vaccine, usually individuals under 25. After getting the vaccine, a friend of my brother-in-law’s father also passed away, giving the son doubts about taking it himself and risking his job because of the workplace mandates.

Putting all of that aside, the other flaw in his statement is saying that all medical professionals agree. That is simply not the case with any medical subject. In fact, there have been counter medical opinions from professionals since March of 2020. Of course, we do not hear about these often because they get flagged as “misinformation” on social media platforms and removed altogether as if they never existed, sort of like an online assassination. Even doctors who escaped the silencing of the Chinese government have been flagged and removed. It makes you wonder whose side the platforms are really on.

After further discussion, I finally asked him, “So if scientists told you that stabbing yourself will save your life and the data looks good, but you see others do it and die, that makes sense to you?” I fully expected him to say something to the extent, “of course not,” and that my question was ridiculous. To my surprise, though, he replied, “If over a billion people have stabbed themselves, saving their lives after stabbing oneself had been through several clinical trials and was then recommended by the medical community.... Yeah.”

I was taken back. All I could respond with was a confused face and, “This is why Conservatives call you people sheep.” I had nothing else to give. The people take what they are told as their truth, and nothing anyone else can say will sway the way they think. I do not mean this as an attack against them but more as bewilderment. They are caught up in a moral lie. They believe so strongly in their cause that truth does not matter if the lie gets them the result they want.

This goes back to the media lies where both the media and Leftist government focused so heavily on “trusting the science” or being “the party of science.” Both false phrases are genuinely meaningless because they do not add anything to back them up. They ignore the fact that science is a collective of hypotheses and experiments that lead to a variety of conclusions. From the beginning of the pandemic, there were other doctors and scientists who disagreed with Dr. Fauci and “the experts,” but because they were not a part of the Leftist narrative, they were dismissed and blocked. This is eerily reminiscent of the doctors sent away to concentration camps for not joining in on the new health campaign in early Nazi Germany. The Left is not the party of science. They are the party of Scientists whom they can control.



Now more than ever, censorship seems to be how the media tech overlords control the information. In a way, they are running the country because they control the information in a way that is totalitarian. Government leaders are literally asking platforms to remove specific people because of what they deem as “misinformation.”

One terrifying example was when Doctor Ryan Cole got his account suspended because he stated that there has been a 20-times increase in cancer patients who have taken the vaccine because it seems to attack the T-cells that keep cancer dormant. He was only stating facts based on observations and research, but this information would not be allowed to be shared. To me, this is very dangerous because I feel Americans should have the right to make their own conclusions that cancer might be a possible risk if they get the vaccine. This personally frightens me because I have had a good handful of friends, family, and clients who have since become cancer-positive and have also gotten the vaccine.

A really scary example is when Twitter flagged an article by the American Heart Association warning about the potential dangers of the mRNA vaccines: they dramatically increase the risk of developing heart diseases from 11% to 25%. Twitter’s flag claimed that the article had misleading content that could lead to real-world harm. This was the American Heart Association we are talking about, probably the most trusted medical source when it comes to heart issues.

Twitter also banned anyone saying that the vaccinated can still spread the virus. Ironically, the CDC says this on their website. Shortly after, Dr. Robert Malone, one of the creators of the vaccine, was banned from Twitter after continually pushing his research on the vaccine which caused him to be critical of the use of the vaccines. He was especially concerned about the use of the vaccines in children. Keep in mind Dr. Malone was one of the key players in the invention of the mRNA vaccine. You would think that this would qualify him as one of the “experts.” It is not about misinformation; it is about control. They do not care about facts.

Another significant example is the permanent silencing of Trump on January 6th. As I am sure almost everyone knows, angered protestors illogically entered the Capital during the certifying of Biden as the next United States president after the provocation of a few. They had no plan, just angry protest. After they first entered the Capital, Trump tweeted, “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!”

Upset by what was taking place, President Trump followed up with, “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order—respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

Capitalizing on the moment, President-elect Joe Biden tweets out, “I call on President Trump to go on national television, now, to fulfill his oath and defend the Constitution and demand an end to this siege.” By this point, Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran and Trump supporter, was shot while trying to climb through a window by a Barney-Fife type Capital police officer who got a little too trigger nervous with his gun.

President Trump then addressed the rioters with a video on Twitter, “I know your pain. I know you’re hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election, and everyone knows it. Especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We do not want anyone hurt. It is a very tough period of time. There’s never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us. From me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we cannot play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You’re very special. You see what happens, you see how others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel. But go home and go home in peace.”

Not moments later, Twitter deleted the video and banned Trump from their platform, claiming that he was inciting the violence with his words. Facebook quickly followed suit. The claim was that Trump was not denouncing the rioters and, in fact, encouraging them regardless of the fact that he said, “go home,” “be peaceful,” and “respect law and order” several times. It was the 2017 Charlottesville interview all over again, but instead of hiding half of the footage to rewrite the meaning of his words, they completely removed the video from existence, removing any chance of those at the Capital seeing his message and leaving peacefully.

Everyone who tried to share this video to get his message out was flagged and their accounts blocked until they deleted the video from their account. My political Twitter account was stuck in limbo because I refused to remove the video. I could not use the account for almost a year, until they forced its deletion. At least I did not have to click their “accept that this post incites violence and delete it” button. Even now, the video is nearly impossible to find. Luckily, C-SPAN currently has a copy.

I would like to take a moment to address January 6th as a whole. I have heard some people, even Democrats in Congress, claim that the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon was nothing compared to the January 6th “insurrection.” Even Pearl Harbor has been thrown into that mix. This is both insensitive and idiotic. If these individuals were more frazzled by January 6th than 9/11, then they did not live through 9/11 and or have become too soft with a screwed perspective of what a terrorist attack actually looks like.

Furthermore, it was not an act of war like Pearl Harbor aimed at killing Americans. Not even close! It is just insulting even to begin to compare the two. Yes, those who went into the Capital that day were illogical in their thinking, and those that caused destruction should be prosecuted, but these people were not enemies of the Republic. At least most of them were not.

Individuals like the BLM activist and Anti-Trump founder of the Utah-based Insurgence USA, John Sullivan, appeared to be provoking the crowd and encouraging the entering of the Captial. Sullivan was previously filmed in front of a crowd near the White House, “We gotta rip Trump right out of that office right there! We ain’t about waiting until the next election. It is time for revolution!” Sullivan even had the gall to go on CNN and pretend to be one of the conservative protestors who witnessed the insurrection. That QAnon psycho, and a few others with actual malicious intent, did not help either.

Another suspicious individual was Ray Epps, who was seen in a MAGA hat leading the chants and encouraging people to storm the Capitol. Afterward he went from being on the FBI’s most-wanted list to not and being allowed to walk free as if nothing had happened. The theory is that Epps was a planted FBI agent tasked with creating this mob mentality and tarnishing the image of Trump supporters.

Other undercover FBI agents have been seen in fake arrests at staged protests whose photos have been shared all over the internet. The only other explanation for Ray Epps is that they arrested him, and he agreed to give names of others. However, this is unlikely since Ray Epps appeared to be the “leader” and such a deal would be made to take out said leader.

The day before, he was yelling that they needed to get into the capital. The people around him at that time were smart enough to recognize what he was doing and chanted, “Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed!” When reporters and later Senator Cruz asked the FBI under oath if Ray Epps was, in fact, a federal agent, the FBI said that they could not answer that question. If, in fact, he was not a federal agent, there is no reason that the FBI could not have said no. This goes to prove, based on what evidence we have, that Ray Epps was, in fact, a federal agent placed to influence what would take place on January 6th.

If this were the only incident, then maybe it would be believable. However, when FBI agents arrest each other at a fake conservative rally or when we came to find out that the attempted kidnapping of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer turned out to be an FBI plot, they make themselves hard for anyone to trust. I have many other reasons not to trust the FBI, and it just seems like they are digging their hole even deeper.

The fact is that these protestors came from all over the country, all but two states from what I understand, to protest the results of the election because they were tired of not being heard. All year long the media was silencing the truth and doing nothing to denounce the violent riots across the country that caused murder and devastating destruction to small businesses—ignored because they were a part of the “Black Lives Matter” social agenda.

So, when a select few got the crowd riled up, whether they were legitimate or planted, it makes total sense that they would storm the capital out of anger, even if it was nothing more than an emotional response with no logical goal. It also did not help, as we learned from later released footage, that capital police opened the doors for the protestors and said to come on in. People claim that Trump caused this by calling people to dispute the election. They like to point out that the National Guard was not brought in. What a lot of people do not know is that Trump, according to an interview on Fox News a month later, had offered the National Guard to protect the capital prior to January 6th. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi rejected his offer. Maybe this was pre-planned, but it certainly was not by Trump supporters.

What the Left refuses to do is legitimately ask why Trump supporters were there in the first place? To contest the results of the election? Sure. But that was a lot of people for something that was certainly a long shot. Let us look in contrast at the summer before when Kamala Harris fundraised bail money for rioters and murderers, saying protestors “should not let up,” and politicians like Nancy Pelosi saying, ‘I just don’t know why there are not uprisings all over the country. Maybe there should be.” Representative Ayanna Pressley said, “There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives.” Even the media jumped in when CNN’s former leading journalist Chris Cuomo said, “Who says protests have to be peaceful?” 

It really should be no surprise that the country’s middle class showed up at the Capitol to protest, not just the election results but the fact that they felt unrepresented as a country. Even if it was not their intent to breach the Capital, mob mentality comes from an emotional place, and that place was watching this country burn while its leaders encouraged it.

An insurrection by definition is a plot to overthrow the government. Very simply, if this were the actual goal of the Trump supporters at the Capitol on January 6th, they would have shown up armed. Considering Conservatives are pro-Second Amendment, it would not be far from the truth to say that almost all of them probably own at least one gun. But overthrowing the government just simply was not in the cards.

On the other hand, the riots caused by Black Lives Matter are another story. I have already mentioned John Sullivan calling to rip Trump out of the White House physically. Additionally, the president of the Greater New York Black Lives Matter Chapter, Hawk Newsome, has also made it clear, “If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.” That is what a real insurrection sounds like, not a self-guided tour of the Capitol gone wrong. If threats are not enough, then consider CHAZ, CHOP, or whatever they decided to call the self-declared autonomous zone in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle during the 2020 riots. By definition, that was an actual insurrection. I have made the joke before that tourists and terrorists may sound similar, but they have very different meanings. The correct use that people seem confused about is that tourists entered the Capital on January 6th, not terrorists.

Jumping back to my point on censorship, another issue is the reverse censorship that YouTube is trying to do. They have now removed the “Dislike” count because so many Liberal videos from news channels or even government videos were in the hundreds of thousands, while conservative videos had hundreds of thousands of “Likes.” This was not to protect their feelings because they can still see the number of dislikes on their end. This was to make those videos seem more liked than they actually are. This type of slow mental manipulation is geared toward creating false trust in Leftist videos by making it seem like more people like Leftist videos than do not. Seeing a large number of dislikes can only solidify Conservative thinking, but removing the dislikes isolates Conservatives at home and chips away at their confidence in their own beliefs.

The media is trying to paint this picture that Conservatives are isolated in our thinking through psychological warfare and that the rest of the county thinks like a Democrat. That is why songs like “Am I The Only One” by Aaron Lewis are written. But in the end, we still know the truth. We are the silent majority, and their tricks will not work. For now, anyway. It is our responsibility to continue to remind each other that we are there, and we can still stand strong regardless of what they want us to think.


Big Brother Is Watching

The world feels like it is turning into the science fiction novel 1984. George Orwell seemed to have been one of the wisest men alive to predict what the United States would one day become. As progressive ideas get rammed down our throats, our society is beginning to believe that 1+1=3. What is to stop them from making it equal “fish”?

To quote Senator and Doctor Rand Paul, “I think the thing that is important about all of the vaccination hysteria and the hysteria over this is that they are conditioning you for submission. It is not so much about the science or saving your life or anything, it is conditioning you about submission. So, for example, the idea that we should mandate the vaccine on children is based on an ignorance or ignoring of the natural immunity of 100 million people.” He goes on to describe the statistics of who is been vaccinated on the CDC’s website. 99.9% of people between the ages of 64 and 75 have chosen to get vaccinated. Over the age of 75 it is 97%, and over 50, it is 87%. Almost all our elderly population has been vaccinated.

Senator Paul points out that, “There is no lack of people being vaccinated in our country. So why do they want a mandate? To condition you to submit. To condition you to the central authorities that will make the decisions of your healthcare.” That is why Senator Paul thinks we need to resist now because, “We may eventually get beyond this, but they’re going to want to tell you to do something else in your healthcare when they’re done telling you to get the COVID vaccine.”

Cuban American Latino Rapper Pitbull spoke in an interview in February of 2021 about his family that “comes from communism. They fled communism. They had everything taken away from them. Everybody got murdered. Everybody got killed. And that’s the reason me, being a first generation Cuban American, I look at freedom and I appreciate that shit. I appreciate opportunity. And that comes from the fact that when Castro took over everything, and I’m looking at what’s going on right now. The only person here that’s hot is Castro. He’s going, ‘Ya’ll did it with a virus? Shit! Ya’ll took over the world with a virus? You’ve got to be kidding me.’”

He goes on to discuss Event 201, an event that took place in October 2019; the John Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health ran a “rehearsal for what’s happening now.” According to their website, it was a “3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic.” Pitbull then lists the segments covered for response and focuses on what the online response will be, “it said if anyone is not part of the narrative, we’re going to take it off online. Which to me smells like communism.” What is eerie about this is that a participant for Event 201, George Fu Gao, went on to become the Director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


Toxic Environments for our Children

When we consider the major increase in school shootings, the Left wants to blame the guns instead of holding the children responsible for their actions. Maybe it is because the Leftist Mainstream Media is the one ultimately responsible. If we go back to the Columbine High School massacre in 1999, the media glorified these kids and made them national icons for better or worse. Twelfth grade students Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris murdered 12 students and one teacher. They were not unpopular students; they were just sociopaths.

Nowadays, we have an endless stream of negative information being thrown at our kids, telling them that they are worthless and that violence is the answer with the positive reinforcement of riots “for justice.”

You have leaders like Maxine Waters telling demonstrators to “stay in the street” and become “more confrontational” if former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin were to be acquitted in the murder trial of George Floyd. CNN host Chris Cuomo said, “Please show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful.” “There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives,” said Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley.

Imagine being a child right now, going through the most insecure part of your life and being told by our leaders and media news sources that violence is a virtue. We are poisoning our children with our media. The increase in school shootings is not random. They are being told to do this subliminally. It is a wonder that there have not been more school shootings than there have been. John Carpenter made They Live based on what he believed was Republican propaganda. Inadvertently, he made a science fiction bio film about what the Left is doing to our society.

The other problem is the vilification of excellence. Every kid is told that they no longer need to be great at something. Stay in line and focus on the task given to you. Here is a participation trophy so that everyone feels equal now in sports. Our schools today have removed the only real source of self-esteem, and our kids are worse off for it. It is no longer about equal opportunity. It is about equal outcomes. When everyone is made special, no one feels special. Goals mean nothing, and life becomes meaningless. You can teach kids that they are significant, but unless they earn it, they know it is a lie, and they feel worthless. We have the highest depression among adolescents ever. It is no wonder kids are losing their minds, and it is our fault for allowing it.

This has been an excerpt from History vs Leftist Myths: America’s War on Information. To read the full chapter on this subject as well as other controversial topics, please check out our book available on Amazon. Your Amazon review is also greatly appreciated.



[i] “Definition of gaslighting,” Merriam-Webster, Dictionary,                                                     

[ii] Ibid.

[iii] White House Press, “President Trump Video Statement on Capitol Protesters',” C-SPAN, Government Videos, January 6, 2021,

[iv] Jon Jackson, “GOP Doubles Down on Claim Pelosi Rejected National Guard Before Jan. 6 Riot,” Newsweek, Associated Newspapers, June 9, 2022,

[v] Spencer Neale, “Chris Cuomo: 'Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful',” Washington Examiner, Associated Newspapers, June 3, 2020,

[vi] Victor Garcia, “Black Lives Matter leader states if US 'doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system',” Fox News, Cable News Network, Type, June 24, 2020,

[vii] Steven Crowder, “OVERTURN Roe v. Wade! Huge SCOTUS Decision Incoming! | Guest Rand Paul | Louder with Crowder,” YouTube, Online News Network, December 2, 2021,

[viii] is the original video, but YouTube has taken it down. The following is a review video: aZz7eCh, “Cuban-American Rapper "Pitbull" Warns of Communism in America | Mr Worldwide,” YouTube, Videos, February 22, 2021,

[ix] Ibid. See also Event 201 Global Pandemic Exercise, “About the Event 201 exercise,” Center For Health Security, Health Security Event, October 18, 2019,

[x] Staff, “Democrats in Congress: ‘There Needs to be Unrest in the Streets,’ ‘I Just Don’t Even Know Why There Aren’t Uprisings’,” CNSNews, Blog, February 12, 2021,

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