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The Leftist Idea of Modern Systemic Racism is a Myth

According to The National Multicultural Institute, Systemic Racism is, “Individual and institutional practices and policies based on the belief that a particular race is superior to others. This often results in depriving certain individuals and groups of civil liberties, rights, and other resources, hindering opportunities for social, educational, and political advancement.”[i] The Left believes that given the same opportunities, a white male will beat out a black male every time.

So, the social program of “diversity in the workplace” was created. Diversity opportunities popped up everywhere, and they even got tax credits because of it. Those that did not offer diversity opportunities could be sued.

So, things were great. More Blacks, Asians, and even women started getting significant opportunities in the workplace, sports, and even schools, that is until they were the only ones being given those opportunities.

Very quickly, this leg-up turned itself on its head as white males found it nearly impossible to get anywhere in life. They were last to be accepted into colleges even if their grades were better than those of diversity. They struggled to get good jobs even if their resume was better than those of diversity. And when a company had to downsize, who do you think got let go? Not the black guy who has a bad track record in this scenario of being terrible at his job. Even if this definition of Systemic Racism were true, the diversity program did not just give people a leg up; it gave them an unfair advantage and bad productivity for companies who have this need of virtue signaling.

The Left’s Systemic Racism concept is based on the idea that white males naturally have a better chance at bettering themselves in life than black males given the same oppor­tunities and circumstances. However, it is not valid. The reality is that given the exact same opportunities, a black male is just as capable of getting himself ahead in life as a white male if he works just as hard and keeps up his grades. Really what the Left is not telling you about Systemic Racism is that it is entirely based on geographical and moral factors.

The biggest factor in a black male’s life of not being able to get ahead is where and how the individual grew up. In a poor neighborhood, he probably has fewer educational opportunities than someone in a middle-class or upper-class neighborhood for both location and financial opportunities. Additionally, the number of work opportunities in local businesses are probably limited as well, making it difficult to earn a decent income.

Even with all of these “diversity benefits,” low-income black neighborhoods are still not getting the benefits they need to create a better life for themselves. In the preface of Ice Cube’s Contract with Black America, Darrick Hamilton, Professor and Executive Director, Kirwan Institute at The Ohio State University, and incoming Henry Cohen Professor of Economics and Urban Policy and University Professor at The New School, write, “White people (have) with financial advantages to ‘buy’ crucial, additional and intergenerational advantages for themselves and their children. Government policy, and literal government giveaways, provided them with the finance, education, land and infrastructure to accumulate and pass down wealth from one generation to the next. In contrast, black people were largely excluded and, when they were able to accumulate land and enterprise, it was subject to seizure by government-complicit theft, fraud and terror.” This refers to the early years in our country before it evolved to what it is today.

This supports my theory that the problem is geographically based with a cycle of circumstances passed down from generation to generation. Some escape this cycle with rare opportunities and hard work for their family, but for the majority, a balance must be met. It is also true that white people share these similar struggles in poor neighborhoods, but because Blacks in America make up only 14% of the population, they have the most to complain about.

So, what was the point of this social diversity program if it did not benefit anyone? In reality, the focus should be on early-stage opportunities to finance better foundations for the youth of Black communities and not take away opportunities for others because they are white. This is exactly what Donald Trump aimed to do and succeeded at with an increase in black median income of 10.5% between the start of his presidency and 2019. By 2019, the poverty rate among blacks also dropped below 20% for the first time. This kind of support also led to an increase in entrepreneurship amongst women and women of color.[ii]

Of course, the Left will just dismiss this argument as me being racist for complaining that my “white privilege” is not working anymore. That is the only weapon the Left has when their policies do not work: to be dismissive and call the other side names.

This has been an excerpt from History vs Leftist Myths: America’s War on Information. To read the full chapter on this subject as well as other controversial topics, please check out our book available on Amazon. Your Amazon review is also greatly appreciated.



[i] James Lindsay, “Racism (Systemic),” New Discourses, Research Reports, May 31, 2020, [ii] Patrice Onwuka, “Election 2020: A vote for Trump is a vote for economic progress for African Americans,” USA Today, Associated Newspapers, November 1, 2020, donald-trump-african-american-black-economic-progress-vote-column/6081310002/.

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