Here is the number one taboo topic on any big tech social media platform or even on the news. I am sure that anyone who has posted anything controversial about election fraud has had their post or account flagged. If it is not clear by now, the media in general loves to hide the truth, and election fraud in the 2020 presidential election has to be one of the biggest cover-ups in recent history. The claim is that the 2020 election was the most secure election in history. As we've seen from evidence that has surfaced since the election, this statement could not be further from the truth.
Now, can I say for certain that Joe Biden stole the election? Well, I do not think he did. I believe there are other factors at work here far worse than we can imagine. To be honest, I think Joe Biden legitimately believes that he got 81 million votes. But did Joe Biden actually win legitimately without a doubt?
Let me put it this way: Joe Biden is the acting president in the White House right now. Trump was removed from office, and not enough was done to fight any possible fraud before it happened on election day. Therefore, in that sense, Trump lost the battle of the 2020 election. Whether or not Trump legitimately lost is irrelevant because there is no fail-safe in our system to reverse the process if we were to discover hard evidence today. But this is not about Trump anymore. It is about having confidence in our electoral system so that the American people may have faith in all future elections. I am not disputing the claim that this was the most secure and fair election in history to state that Trump should be in office right now. Fair or not, the Democrats won that battle in 2020. I dispute the claim for future elections. My focus here is to reestablish the integrity of America’s elected officials.
A lot of us have unanswered questions or concerns. Why were poll watchers turned away? Were the random cases and coolers brought into the polling places in the middle of the night not suspicious to anyone else? Why was there an order to stop counting the votes in the middle of the night when it appeared that Trump was winning? Then when they opened in the morning, Biden had a ridiculous lead. This was very odd because they supposedly “stopped counting.” Yes, it is true that in 2016 we went to bed with Hilary leading in a few key states and then woke up with Trump having won the Electoral College. The difference is that they never stopped counting in the middle of the night in 2016 or frankly ever in recent history, in my lifetime, at the very least.
The number of red flags and evidence that is out there create enough reasonable doubt that I do not trust the results. What I can say for certain is that this was not the most secure or fair election in history, as they so claim.
To start, I could have sworn that the Democrats were just giving up on the 2020 election when they chose Joe Biden as their front runner. This was the guy in last place during the primaries until candidates just became disqualified or walked out. This was the guy whom his own party attacked and called a pervert for talking about children, rubbing the blond hair on his legs, or groping kids on stage. Even Kamala Harris hated the guy and laughed at him on stage for saying that we needed to handle the domestic violence issue by “punching at it, and punching at it, and punching at it.” I seriously thought that the Democrats had just thrown in the towel and that Trump had this one in the bag. Even all the predictions said it was going to be a landslide. Trump seemed like he would maybe have the most state wins since Nixon’s second term. Biden’s campaign rallies hardly had anyone show up, making a poor effort just seem sad.
Then something started feeling off about midsummer when they really started pushing mass mail-in-ballots because of the pandemic. Boxes of stolen ballots were being found in cars and trucks across the country. No one seemed to have a handle on it because half the government denied that anything fishy was going on. Red flags were flying up like crazy, and I had a gut-wrenching feeling that something was going to go terribly wrong on Election Night. My confidence was turning to fear.
Election night came, and everything seemed straight and narrow for the most part. Arizona was called for Biden prematurely, but that was not a shock to me, considering how many people had recently left California and gone to Arizona in droves.
Trump looked like he was winning big. Then something funny seemed to be going on in some of the swing states. Reports from independent reporters were coming in of poll workers doing some odd things and voting machines appearing to malfunction. My heart was racing. What was going on? Then suddenly, it all stopped. Without much reason, the polls in certain swing states just shut down. They were “stopping the count for the night.”
Trump then made his announcement for investigation, and that was it for the night. I just sat there, not knowing what to do with myself. In any other election, we would have had a result before the night was over. I went to bed feeling sick. The next day, I woke up to find that the numbers had jumped a ridiculous amount for Biden in the swing states. "What happened to stopping the count," everyone was asking. The claims of voter fraud then began.
Secure Election Process
According to US election officials, the 2020 US election was the most secure in American history. They said that President Donald Trump’s claims of voter fraud were baseless and that the votes were counted in a “timely manner.” They said his claims only came after the election was not going his way. “All of the states with close results in the 2020 presidential race have paper records of each vote, allowing the ability to go back and count each ballot if necessary.” This supposedly “beefs up” the security of the voting process and allows officials to identify and correct mistakes in the recounting process.
They also wanted to emphasize that “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.” Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the United States Department of Homeland Security Chris Krebs said, “TLDR: America, we have confidence in the security of your vote, you should, too.” He said that this was one of the most well-managed elections despite all of the extra challenges that the pandemic brought. International election observers from the Organization of American States also said they witnessed no fraud or voting irregularities. Many counties even ran audits and found no evidence of systematic voter fraud.
I want to point out two flaws in this statement right off the bat. First, the claims that led to investigations began while Trump was still winning Pennsylvania, so it was not that it was not going his way. In fact, he was given pause at the same time we all did that night. Then the polls ordered the counting to stop; that is not normal.
Secondly, because someone ordered the counting to halt in the middle of the night, this contradicts the “timely manner” claim. It was only after they stopped counting that the votes skyrocketed for Biden in the swing states the very next day. This was the number one reason that the election was questioned. What exactly happened that night is unknown and unverified. In any other election, the votes would be finished counting that night, and we had our result before the morning, obviously not including any possible recounts.
Some of these counties took a week. This is not normal, and those calling foul left and right during this time were completely warranted. Whether or not this actually impacted the election, I cannot say either way for sure. But it is very suspicious.
The CISA also stated, “Other security measures like pre-election testing, state certification of voting equipment, and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC) certification of voting equipment help to build additional confidence in the voting systems used in 2020.” There seems to be such a focus on the voting machines. I understand that a lot of people attack these as the cause of fraud, but the bigger problem happened before the votes got to these machines.
Even if they did have some kind of involvement, it would be minimal or at least isolated to select counties. What I really take issue with is how they explain that the election was secure. Yes, they can monitor recounts securely and make sure every vote is counted correctly, but that makes no difference. Why? Because the alleged fraud happened prior to this step in the process with the mail-in ballots.
Mail-In Ballots
In 2020 when we were dealing with the beginnings of the virus, I started speaking out about concerns of possible election fraud when they introduced mass mail-in ballots. Yes, it is true that mail-in ballots have been a thing for a while, but before 2020, you had to request that ballot and verify your identity. The problem in 2020 is that they issued the ballots to everyone, regardless of whether or not you were planning on going to the physical polls. The claim that I was making about what would happen during the election pretty much happened as predicted. Of course, this is only a theory, but the results reflect my suspicions.
First, the need for verification of the mail-in ballot was removed. Therefore, everyone who was ever registered to vote received a ballot. This means even dead people received them at addresses if their voter status was never updated, for which we do not have a verification process. Since state voter registration is not linked to one extensive federal database, those that moved to a new state still had ballots going to their old home. It is not necessarily that these people or family members double-voted, which I know did happen for both Republican and Democratic voters, but these “loose” ballots were vulnerable to being collected by those who wanted to get extra votes for their candidates.
This can also happen to registered voters who may not normally vote but get mailed a ballot anyway. This became evident in the 2021 California Recall Election of Gavin Newsom, as hundreds of people were told at the polls that they had already voted. While these were supposedly corrected with a “preliminary ballot,” the question is, how many did not show up to correct their vote?
We have also had mass waves of illegals coming into this county, and Democrats have made it clear that they want them to be able to vote, and they will vote for the party that gives them admittance into this country along with free stuff. To make matters worse, it appears that the Biden administration halted deportations, released them all immediately, and is having them bussed to conservative states, according to a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer interviewed by FOX News during the filming of these busses.[i]
Secondly, if a particular group wanted to create a pile of fake votes for their candidate, it would not be hard to do so. All they would need is to create a registered voter in the system with a name and address and send in their votes. The reason this should be taken seriously is that there have been investigations that have shown fake addresses or names of people who do not live where their registration says they do.
Blaze news host Steven Crowder and his team began an investigation by finding addresses in both Los Vegas, Nevada, and Detroit, Michigan, that did not exist, being house numbers in between actual houses or just empty lots. As proof, they documented themselves while visiting those locations. It appeared that one name was even used twice for two different fake locations, and another was in prison at the time of the election. I understand that this could be circumstantial since he did not visit all the cities in the swing states, but what adds to suspicion is that those controlling the voter registry appear to have something to hide.
One particular case was a Christina Gupana who was registered at an address that appeared to be an underpass. If that was not eerie enough, the day after showing these live on air, Crowder was accused of spreading false information as the voter registry read Christina Gupana at a completely new address. Crowder showed that on the previous day, the registry said the underpass address, but overnight the address was changed. Why? By whom?
Just to dig deeper into this journalistic expedition, Crowder sent someone to the new listed address on video and verified once again that Christina Gupana did not live there. What happened here? Assuming that this change was related to Crowder uncovering it live, why make the change if this was the most secure election in history? What do they have to hide?
When Crowder called in and took a long phone call with the voter registry management, they avoided answering his questions directly by doing nothing but quoting policy. When asked what the verification process is to verify that someone actually lives somewhere, they could not answer the question. After hours of a very painful, teeth-pulling phone call, they ultimately said that they were unaware of a law to make the correction and remove that vote and could not confirm that there is any verification process to legitimize those or any votes.
So, there is the problem right there. We need to have a stronger verification system to mitigate any possible fraud. Even if every poll worker was on the up and up, this does not prevent the fraud from entering the system. This is why so many people question the legitimacy of the COVID-19 variants because of the excuse for permanent mass mail-in ballots that it could create. If this is the new way of voting for the future, there needs to be checks and balances to hold the system accountable.
Just look at the results of mail-in ballots leading up to the 2020 presidential election. In the California March presidential primary, California rejected 100,000 mail-in ballots because of mistakes. Another 27,525 either did not have a signature, or the signature did not match the one on record for the voter. In New York, nearly six weeks after the June election, two congressional races remained undecided due to the mishandling of tens of thousands of mail-in ballots. The NYC elections board said that nearly 100,000 Brooklyn voters received wrong ballot return envelopes. In Virginia’s September 2020 elections, election officials think that up to 1,000 or more voters received two ballots in the mail. In Ohio, about 50,000 out of their 237,498 voters received the wrong absentee ballots for the November 3rd presidential election. In Michigan, at least 846 ballots were not accepted because the voter was dead, according to data from Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s office. Keep in mind that while voter fraud has always existed, no new failsafe methods were added or changed for the 2020 election, especially considering when they tossed in a massive mail-in ballot method that had never been done before. Absentee by request? Sure, that has been common, but nothing like this has ever been implemented in history, and it has become more than clear that it failed.
France banned absentee voting in 1975 because of massive voter fraud caused by stolen or bought ballots, along with voters casting multiple votes and using the names of dead people with mail-in ballots. We talk about third-world countries being behind in technological advances by several years. Maybe this is something the United States is behind in by 40 to 50 years. If they want to ensure that Americans once again trust the voting process, then they should go back to the standard practices of absentee ballots at the very least, instead of just mailing them to everyone.
81 Court Cases
There were 81 court cases of fraud, 26 filed with Trump as the plaintiff. This is the point that many conservatives like to bring up, but because of their dismissal, Liberals say these do not count as evidence. Now some of these cases seemed to be dismissed without being given a real trial, while others did not seem to hold much water in actual evidence of election fraud. There are a handful of ones that were more hear-say than anything else. However, there have been some that have been proven guilty of fraud since then, although these were still probably not enough to say that the fraud would have altered the election.
However, certain cases against the legality of last-minute changes to the state laws do come into question. The problem that they ran into is that the courts said that these cases were too early to file against the state when it came to arguing against the changing of the rules during the election. In most cases, these changes extended the deadline to receive mail-in ballots after election day.
Then after waiting until election day had passed, less than 24 hours, the courts said the election was over, so it was a moot point. This, in part, was the biggest reason for the outroar against the courts. It appeared that the courts were purposely being deceitful. When in the world were they expected to file their claims? The second between 11:59 pm and midnight? It was just arrogance by the courts that led to these dismissals.
And the reason these were so significant is because any number of mail-in ballots could have been manufactured and sent in once they knew how many they needed to defeat Trump. If they had nothing to hide, why dodge the lawsuits? We would have much preferred all of the court cases to be seen and embarrassingly shut down in court than to have not been seen at all. This is probably one of the top pieces of the 2020 election that has now caused mistrust in our voting system. Regardless of whether the court cases are legit or not, our system needs to be transparent. You want to unite America? Put all the cards on the table.
Of course, the court’s rulings really came as no surprise as most federal judges tend to lean to the left. It is a shame that judges are unable to be unbiased as they are expected to be.
As far as the cases of the voting systems being hacked by other countries, I hope this is not true. I can say that the IP addresses seen in Mike Lindell’s documentary Absolute Proof turned out not to exist, although it has turned out that a handful of voting systems were connected to the internet. Still, I would prefer to believe that they were not hacked by other countries because the idea that they could have been is terrifying.
That being said, there were some nuances that lead to major red flags which should at least warrant immediate investigation. At the time of this writing in 2022, almost two years since the election, voting fraud is starting to become uncovered in some states. Unfortunately, even if enough fraudulent votes were found, there is nothing in place within our governmental system to reverse the process. All we can do is put in preventative measures for the future.
However, things do not look like they are going to be changing anytime soon. The Pennsylvania Department of State has allowed at least 249,000 unverified voters to receive mail-in ballots for the 2022 general election in November. This odd process is supposedly aimed to allow voting first and a verification of identification at a later date. [i] Whether the intent of this process is malicious or moronic, the system is clearly still broken and will continue to be until something is done to change it.
Social Media and Mainstream Media Censorship
One of the most undeniable facts is the involvement of social media platforms in the election. The major censoring of content on social media started in 2020 with doctors or individuals with opposing opinions or information on COVID-19 being silenced, blocked, and removed for pushing “misinformation.” Soon after, information of all kinds began to be censored online, leaving only what the Leftist media wanted you to see.
Simple facts that would have given President Donald Trump the upper hand in the election were omitted completely from Leftist news sources. According to an MRC Polling Company survey of Biden voters in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, 82% of Biden voters were unaware of some crucial facts that would have potentially altered their vote.[ii]
When it came to Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, where his administration fast-tracked the development and release of the vaccine, 36.1% said that they were unaware of its existence. 50.2% of Biden voters said they were unaware of Trump’s success in creating energy independence in the United States. 43.5% had no idea about the peace deals made in the Middle East. 39.4% did not know about the 11.1 million jobs that Trump’s administration had created, and 49% were clueless about the fact that Trump had created a 33.1% economic growth. While all of this positivity was omitted from Trump’s presidency, the real travesty was what they hid about Biden.
On October 14th, The New York Post shared an article on social media platforms titled, “Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad.” The story came from the found laptop of Hunter Biden, acquired by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello. The laptop contained some incriminating files which are now all over the internet. Before handing over the laptop to the FBI, the information was shared with a few sources, including the Post. In their article, they wrote, “Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company.”[iii] This was according to emails found on the laptop.
The emails cover a conversation between Vadym Pozharskyi, an advisor to the board of Burisma, and Hunter: “Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for ‘advice on how you could use your influence’ on the company’s behalf.”[iv] This came in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he has “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”
Previously, Hunter Biden and his friend Devon Archer joined the natural gas company Burisma Holdings board in April 2014, despite the fact that he could not speak Ukrainian and had no relevant experience. In 2016 Ukraine’s top prosecutor Viktor Shokin was investigating the corruption of Burisma Holdings. Suspiciously Vice President at the time, Joe Biden, threatened to withhold $1 billion in critical U.S. aid if Shokin was not fired. Shokin was fired shortly after. The Obama administration claimed that it was not linked to Hunter’s relation to the board but instead because Shokin was not pursuing corruption among the country’s politicians.
Joe Biden has insisted that the US wanted Shokin removed over corruption concerns, which were shared by the European Union. If that was not disturbing enough, the laptop also contained a 12-minute video of Hunter smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as well as several other sexually explicit photos.
While this may have been compromising information to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, it hardly saw the light of day. Shortly after posting the article, both Twitter and Facebook flagged it as misinformation and Twitter removed it from the platform altogether, blocking the New York Post from sharing the information prior to the election.
Based on the MRC Polling Company survey, 45.1% of Biden voters said they were unaware of the Hunter Biden financial scandal, and 9.4% said they would have shifted their vote away from Biden. Based on all of the information hidden by both social media and Mainstream Media, up to 17% of Biden voters would have altered their vote. If 81 million votes are the accurate total, that is 1.37 million votes in the swing states that would have gone the other way, easily giving Trump the hypothetical victory in all six swing states, thus winning the election. This alone should cause anger, as the corruption of the media seems to have influenced the results of the election by significant margins. Although some on the Left would say that this type of election meddling was necessary to get Trump out of office.
On August 25th, 2022 Mark Zuckerberg made an appearance on Joe Rogan’s show where he was asked about this. His response was the claim that the FBI had contacted his team and requested that Facebook be on notice because they were on high alert for a suspected “dump” of Russian propaganda. While dancing around the question Zuckerberg said that the Hunter Biden Laptop story was reported to them as misinformation and they ran it through their, “third-party fact-checking program… because we don’t want to be deciding what is true and false,” [v] which we all know is a lie because Facebook had already admitted by this point in time through a lawsuit that their fact-checkers are nothing more than opinionists. [vi]
Rogan asked if the FBI was specific in regard to blocking the Hunter Biden Laptop story, to which Zuckerberg replied, “no, I don’t remember if it was that specifically, but it basically fit the pattern.” [vii] It is possible that he does not remember, but it is doubtful that is the case. Zuckerberg could very well be using the FBI as a scapegoat since they were under a lot of controversy at the time for raiding former President Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago.
The digital town square is being censored with a one-sided agenda. The New York Post had their article taken down because they said it was misinformation, even though it turned out it was not. But when the New York Times illegally posted Trump’s alleged tax returns, platforms like Twitter allowed it. It is a perfect example of “rules for thee, but not for me.” If they applied the rules evenly, then there might not be a case here.
Pushing an agenda is one thing, but silencing individuals trying to share facts is an infringement on American free speech and a clear case of election tampering by means of controlling information to influence and manipulate the outcome of the election.
81 Million Votes do not Statistically Add Up
In the 2020 election, Biden “won” 81 million votes to President Donald Trump’s 74 million. In 2012, there was a 61.8% voter turnout with 129 million voters; in 2016, there was a 61.4% voter turnout with 137 million voters; and in 2020, there was a 66.8% voter turnout with 155 million voters, according to the United States Census Bureau. This means that 26 million more people voted in 2020 than in 2012. The current range in votes between Biden and Trump is at about a 9 to 10% difference. Splitting the 26 million between Biden and Trump, giving Biden 10% more, we will call it roughly 13.5 million votes for Biden to 12.5 million votes for Trump.
Now according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Joe Biden won 520 counties, and President Donald Trump won 2,564 counties. In 2012, Barack Obama won 689 counties, the lowest in history for a successful presidential candidate. Now Joe Biden holds that record. Obama’s victory in 2012 gave him almost 66 million votes. That is also 3 million fewer votes than he won in 2008, mind you. This means that Biden only won roughly 75% of Obama’s counties from the 2012 election, so we will cut the base votes for Biden in 2020 to about 49.5 million votes, 75% of Obama’s votes in 2012. Add in this election’s increase in voters, and that is only 63 million votes for Biden, give or take. Even buffering an extra 10 million votes into the equation in order to equalize this into the number of registered voters prior to the 2020 voting season, it still does not match Trump’s number, although you might have an argument for Electoral College votes.
I am going to tell you something else about this equation. After the election, I first wrote out this equation based on the numbers I had available to me at that time. They were not 100% accurate yet because a lot of counties had not been finalized, and some of the total voter numbers from previous years were incorrect from my original source. For example, I had calculated that 47.5 million more people voted in 2020 than in 2012. This led me to split that 25/22 million votes between Biden and Trump. I also only gave Biden 55% of Obama’s total votes to start because of the lower number of counties I had for him at the time. However, after going through more thorough research on this equation for my book and finding the most accurate numbers available, I found that the final result of 63 million was precisely the same as my original calculation, even though the total vote(er) and county win numbers changed. This is more anecdotal but a bit eerie for me that it would still add up to 63 million.
Now I am sure you might be thinking that this same scenario happened in 2012 between Obama and Mitt Romney, as well as the fact that not all counties have the same number of residences. This is true, but let us break that down to compare.
Romney got 2,449 counties compared to Obama’s 694 counties. Obviously, he won because those counties held more residents and allowed for more Electoral College votes. But consider this; the popular vote breakdown between Obama and Romney was 66 million votes to 61 million votes. That is a 5 million vote difference making the election seem closer from a citizen standpoint over an Electoral College standpoint. Compare that to 2020, when Biden got 25% fewer counties than Obama but somehow had a lead over Trump of 7 million.
Considering that Biden got the most votes in history alongside Trump, who got the most votes as a sitting president, it is hard to believe that the numbers are this screwed. If 2020 was closer to 50/50 like it was in 2016 when Hilary Clinton got 66 million to Trump’s 63 million, then it might be more believable. But as it stands, it appears that they overplayed their hand.
Even the comparison to 2016 does not add up as Trump did get more counties with 2,626 but lost the popular vote. Clinton basically won most of the coastal states where most of the population lives. However, the number of people who left in the great exodus of California and New York over the years since would suggest that more coastal voters now reside in middle America. A lot of Californians went to Arizona and Texas, which is probably why Arizona flipped. But consider the fact that in 2020, Trump only had 62 fewer counties than he won in 2016. And yet his votes increased by 11 million.
The total voter turnout increased by 18 million in 2020 from 2016. The average voter increase from 1932 to 2016 is about 4.6 million. If the voter turnout is accurate for 2020, the only comparable elections would be 1952, 1992, and 2004.
1952 had a 12.7 million voter turnout when Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected as a Republican candidate by a landslide after a long reign of Democratic presidents going through WWII.
The 1992 election had a 13 million voter turnout increase that gave Bill Clinton the win, partly because the previous election in 1988 for George HW Bush had a negative voter turnout and partly because Bush’s popularity had waned due to the ongoing recession and his perceived apathy to the hardships it was causing. Candidate Ross Perot splitting the Republican party vote did not help either.
Finally, in 2004, George W. Bush won again with a 16.7 million voter turnout increase because of his response to the tragedy of 9/11. A patriotic awakening had occurred, and as history trends, “wartime” presidents win re-elections. I guess the global pandemic did not count as a “wartime” for Trump.
Now it is worth noting that even though 2004 is close to the 2020 increase, 1996 had a major decrease of 8.2 million under Clinton’s second term. With an average of a 4.6 million increase, it would make sense that there would be some significant catching up to do. That is not to say that increases like 2020 do not happen, but statistically, it is a 1 in 8 chance that it will. The question is if the events surrounding 2020 were significant enough to increase the voter turnout as these other elections did.
Something else that I found interesting is that in 2008, Barack Obama’s win came with a lot of support, and his campaign for “change” made voters out of non-voters for sure. However, he only caused the voter turnout to increase by 9 million. This is high, but I find this interesting because George W. Bush’s first election in 2000 against Al Gore also increased the voter turnout by 9 million. Then while Bush’s voter turnout increase jumped significantly in his second term, Obama’s actually decreased by 2 million. The only Republican decrease in voter turnout came from Bush senior. The rest of the decreases since 1932 were from Democrats.
Now, let us assume for a second that 2020’s voter turnout numbers are false. If we subtract Trump’s 74 million votes from 2016’s 137 million votes, we end up with 63 million. Hey, there is that 63 again! So, if we are assuming that Biden only got 63 million based on my equation, then the average voter turnout increase of 4.6 million would account for the votes for other candidates running for president. If we give it the high average of 9 million like Obama and Bush, then Biden still does not have enough votes to win, especially when we are talking about the swing states that Trump needed.
After all is said and done, these numbers lead to two possibilities. First, Trump was so hated that voters came out of the woodwork to vote against him; this was combined with voters being so tired of the Left’s bs that they came out to vote for Trump in massive numbers. This is possible, but statistically unlikely, as I have pointed out, especially considering the major outcry for and against Obama could not even turn these kinds of numbers. Possibility two is that the system was so overwhelmed by election fraud that the votes were increased to a ridiculous number.
It is true that 2016 is possibly an example where counties and the popular vote do not seem to count. However, popularity might be a façade in the case of Joe Biden. Even though he became the most voted for president in history with his 81 million votes, he quickly fell below a 35% approval rating within his first year. This is unheard of. The average is a 52.7% approval rating. Is this buyer’s remorse or more symbolic of fake votes? If not the latter, then we are back to my argument about the media being guilty of election tampering by means of controlling information to influence and manipulate the outcome of the election.
That said, the popular vote for Biden does come across a bit odd, hard to believe even. This is not because of who Biden is and what his policies are, but the simple fact that a massive number of people showed up to Trump’s rallies, and hardly anyone attended Biden’s. The enthusiasm for Trump would attract anywhere between 8 thousand to 20 thousand people per rally, most being the locals from the location of the rally.
Joe Biden, on the other hand, only had a couple hundred at his. At Biden’s largest rally in Atlanta, he only had 771 in attendance. And we are supposed to believe that Biden was the most popular president in history? Also, consider that Trump’s votes went up after his first term from 63 million to 74 million, whereas Obama, on the other hand, went down from 69.5 million votes for his first term to 66 million votes for his second. The votes from black men also went up to 20% for Trump, as well as up to 34% in Latino voters for Trump, a significant increase from 2016. Joe Biden must really be someone special to beat those odds.
There is something else that just does not add up right. According to statistics on the election, we went from 153 million registered voters in 2018 to 168 million registered voters in 2020. The United States Census Bureau said that 67% of all eligible citizens voted, and 73% of all eligible citizens were registered to vote. So, that means that 8% of the total citizens registered to vote did not vote in the 2020 election, being about 13 million. These 13 million would easily make up for the extra votes that could have stolen the election.
Secondly, they claim that only 4% of registered voters did not vote, which is 552,500 votes. I do not know where they got their math, but 4% of 168 million votes is almost 7 million. Their calculation would be .3%. We will just call that a typo for now.
After going through all these numbers, I finally noticed one huge error. To quote the United States Census Bureau, “155 million people turned out for the 2020 presidential election.” If we subtract Trump’s 74 million from that, we get 81 million votes for Biden. Ok, that makes sense. Or does it? While the math there is all well and good, it does not factor in the 3 million votes for other candidates. Is that another typo, or did I just catch the United States Census Bureau in a lie? Obviously, I cannot make any claims against them, but their numbers need some explaining. If this is a lie, they did not try very hard. Had they made it more than 155 million in their statement, they could have easily explained it away with other candidate votes. The fact that this was missed is either incompetence or malicious behavior. I will leave that up to the reader to decide.
Is There a Solution?
Some Republicans in Congress are trying, but they are being demonized for their solutions. What we need is voter ID. But voter ID is racist, according to Democrats, because black people do not know how to use a computer to get one of the many forms of ID. I am sorry, but how that statement does not make the Democrats look like racists is just beyond me.
Voter ID is attacked as voter suppression because it blocks people from being able to vote. Yes, that is kind of the idea. Every vote should be legal and verified. A vote from an illegal citizen or someone underaged or deceased cancels out the vote of a legal American citizen. Real voter suppression is canceling out votes with fake or illegal ones.
Mass mail-in ballots should be stopped. You might wonder how the sick and vulnerable vote. They vote the same way they used to. As I said, the old mail-in ballot system required verification and a request. Blindly sending them to everyone opens the opportunity for endless fraud. It is too vulnerable of a process.
75% of all voters actually support the idea of requiring voter ID, and 69% of black voters, whom the Left wants you to think is the victim of requiring voter ID, are in support of voter ID laws. The fact is that true Americans, not the ones the Leftist media tries to tell you about, want to have confidence in their voting system. We want to be able to say, “Ok, we lost this one; we will get our guy in during the next election.” Instead, politicians do not care what true Americans have to say. They just care about themselves.
The problem is that Democrats seem to want to do everything possible to stay in power, and they will use every trick in the book to make Republicans look evil and the Democrats look like Saint Robin Hood. If election fraud is not nipped in the bud, they will push their fake voter right bills and make it impossible to prevent election fraud.
The attacks on ending the filibuster to stop the majority from having to compromise is a great example of their hypocritical war to keep their power. They had no problem using the filibuster to block Republican policy when Republicans held the Senate, but now the same people who used it, like Senator Chuck Schumer, are saying it is an evil Republican tool to stop policies that will “help Americans.”
They have even said that the minority should not have the power to stop a majority vote, a sentiment with which our Founding Fathers would strongly disagree. They wanted the minority to be able to keep the majority in check because majority rule leads to totalitarianism. That was the primary purpose of the electoral college which they also want to eliminate. Biden has said, “It is not about who votes, but who counts the votes.” The irony is that Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, said the exact same thing.
As we continue down this dark path, things like the destruction of the filibuster would mean that there would be no bipartisan compromise. Our government would no longer be a representative of the people and no longer a Republic. That is how tyranny rules.
Now I do not think Americans are the type just to stand by, but I think we would all rather avoid a conflict if we can do something about it. Simple voter fraud measures are all it takes to clean up this process and bring back confidence in our voting system. Ironically, if Republicans do win the majority, the one tool the Democrats had to stop Republican policy would be gone, turning our government into a teeter-totter of conflicting policy. The American people will be the victim of that political war.
Even if I am wrong about most of these discrepancies, the one undeniable fact is that the media is at fault for influencing the election. If nothing else, they should be held accountable for their actions and prevented from influencing a future election. Elon Musk seems to be working on that with the purchase of Twitter. What else can we hope for in the future?
Ultimately my goal in debunking the myth that 2020 was the most secure election in history is not to prove that Trump is the legitimate president. He lost that battle when Biden took office on January 20. The purpose here is to point out that there was fraud, and something needs to be done about it for future candidates. Trump revealed to us the swamp in Washington. Now it is our responsibility to fight for a future president, one that might not even be in front of us now but will rise to lead this country back to greatness.
This has been an excerpt from History vs Leftist Myths: America’s War on Information. To read the full chapter on this subject as well as other controversial topics, please check out our book available on Amazon. Your Amazon review is also greatly appreciated.
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